STEM Week is March 10-14, 2025. We welcome all members of the UIC Community to attend STEM Week events. [Zoom links for virtual events are below. RSVP when prompted.] If you require accommodations to attend an event, or have an event taking place during STEM Week that you would like to be shared with the UIC STEM Community on this page, contact Kristy Kambanis (

MONDAY, March 10th Heading link

  • 12pm-1pm (Zoom)

    Check Out UIC’s Biomedical Visualization Program with Leah Lebowicz, BVIS Program Director and Clinical Associate Professor, Biomedical and Health Information Sciences. RSVP Here.

    Join us via Zoom:

    Meeting ID: 823 3986 1989
    Passcode: caHS7qV3

  • STEM Great Ideas

    “Don’t let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.”

    Mae Jemison, first African American woman astronaut in space

  • 12:00pm-1:00pm, SEO 636

    Examples in Algebraic Geometry. Drop in for this Math Club Lecture with Dr. Taylor. We give some elementary (and hopefully fun) examples of algebraic varieties as an invitation to the subject. No RSVP required.

TUESDAY, March 11th Heading link

  • 12:00pm-1:00pm (Zoom and UH 2750)

    Introduction to Medical Scientist Training Programs. If you’re interested in Medicine and Science, log in and hear from the Asst. Director of Medical Science Training Programs in the College of Medicine, Janine Sacco, M.Ed. Learn about the Med school/MSTP admissions process, funding, when to start preparing, and what it’s like to be a medical student MD/Ph.D.

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 843 4948 3907
    Passcode: u5NEFu5i

  • 2:00pm-3:00pm, 2750 University Hall (UH)

    Navigating the Graduate School Search. Considering graduate school? Don’t know where to start? Through this workshop attendees will learn about factors to think about when considering graduate school and gain insight about what the graduate school application process will look like. Hear from Emily Manzo, Asst. Director for Recruitment & Retention at the Graduate College.  RSVP here.

WEDNESDAY, March 12th Heading link

  • STEM Great Ideas

    “Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.”

    -Albert Einstein, German-born theoretical physicist known for his theory of relativity and the equation E=mc2. 

  • 3:00pm-4:00pm, Room 1047 ERF

    The Research Journey. Consider how to kickstart your research journey in this engaging workshop! Follow one student’s research path from the first year at UIC to finding research opportunities, joining a lab, and presenting research. This session with Iza Kopec (BIOS, Honors College, LASURI Research Scholar) will include a look at an international conference poster and include tips, Q&A to answer your questions, and encouragement to dive into research!  RSVP Here.

THURSDAY, March 13th Heading link

  • 2:00pm-3:00pm, Daley Library 1-470 LIB

    Navigating the Graduate School Search. Considering graduate school? Don’t know where to start? Through this workshop attendees will learn about factors to think about when considering graduate school and gain insight about what the graduate school application process will look like. Hear from Emily Manzo, Asst. Director for Recruitment & Retention at the Graduate College.

  • STEM Great Ideas

    “We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.”

    Alan Turing, famous for codebreaking, AI concepts, and pioneering computer science

FRIDAY, March 14th Heading link

  • 1:00pm-2:00pm, Daley Library Lobby (East Campus)

    STEM Faculty & Staff: Happy Pi Day! Come and enjoy delicious pies with Chancellor Miranda. All UIC staff and faculty are invited. The event will take place in the Richard J. Daley Library lobby. 801 S. Morgan Ave.

  • 1:30pm-2:30pm, Medicinal Plant Garden, 833 South Wood St.

    Atkins Medicinal Plant Garden Tour by the College of Pharmacy. Visit this garden oasis in the midst of the busy Illinois Medical District, at the corner of Wood and Polk Streets, next to the UIC College of Pharmacy. The garden is a unique resource for researchers, trainees, and visitors alike to learn about medicinal plants, their history, current uses, and their value for human health. Consider the source of botanical dietary supplements, the plant origins of medicines, and the role of edible and medicinal plants in human health.

  • 2:30pm-3:30pm, Library of the Health Sciences Cafe (West Campus)

    STEM Faculty & Staff: Happy Pi Day! Come and enjoy delicious pies with Chancellor Miranda. All UIC staff and faculty are invited. The event will take place in the Library of the Health Sciences Cafe. 1750 W. Polk Street.